Jette’s Summer Reading List for Hot Temp Survival

Jette’s Summer Reading List for Hot Temp Survival

And then, it was basically summer! You know both Gen and I are autumn witches and not looking forward to the hot and humid months in Toronto but with the right books, maybe we will survive.

Summer reading to me is like the fun blockbuster movies that typically come out this time of year. Flashy, bright, wild rides that leave you breathless and wanting more. Think Top Gun: Maverick or They Gray Man that feature action sequence after action sequence. We’re just going to swap out the popcorn for some cold brew coffee. 

Keeping with the tradition we started last year of #IcedCoffeeReads, I wanted to give you a summer reading list for 2022. They are fast reads that are perfect for the beach, the cabin, the balcony, or wherever your favourite place is to curl up with a chilly caffeinated beverage. Just don’t forget your sunscreen!

Jette’s Summer Reading List that Perfectly Pairs with Iced Coffee 

1. The House Across the Lake by Riley Sager

I have been reading all of Sager’s books recently, including Home Before Dark, our current book club book. His books are perfect #IcedCoffee summer reads. They draw you in quickly and take you on a wild thrill ride. The House Across the Lake is a modern take on Hitchcock’s Rear Window and I can’t wait to dive into this. Casey Fletcher is an actress trying to escape the limelight by retreating to a family cabin. She befriends the couple that live across the lake and one day, the wife goes missing. Imagine sitting on a dock at a cabin reading this? Definitely a perfect summer read.

2. The Book of Cold Cases by Simone St. James

I read The Sun Down Motel by St. James and I knew she would become a must-read author. The Book of Cold Cases follows Shea Collins, a true crime blogger, who lives in a small town in Oregon. Shea comes across Beth Greer, a suspect in the Lady Killer Murders from the 1970s. After requesting an interview with Greer, the two women meet often and things from both of their pasts come to the surface. I just started reading this and already I’m hooked. Grab your iced java and read this one!

3. The Neon Rain by James Lee Burke

I fully bought this book because of the cover. But after I read the blurb, I knew it would be a perfect #IcedCoffeeRead for this summer. It’s part of a detective series set in New Orleans. A young prostitute is found murdered in the bayou. Detective Dave Robicheaux has to sort out how to live with a broken heart while dealing with drug smugglers and an unknown criminal world. Now, I won’t be on a beach reading this but maybe under a nice shady tree, shaking my iced coffee with every new chapter.

4. Moon Knight: The Complete Collection by Jeff Lemire and Greg Smallwood

As a fan of Marvel, I have watched all of the shows and movies but watching Moon Knight was the first time I was truly struck by the story, the first time I thought that I needed to read the comics and get deeper into a character’s story. Marc Spector wakes up in an insane asylum without his Moon Knight super powers and his other identities (Jake Lockley and Steven Grant) get problematic. The question is  just who is truly the problem? I can’t wait to sip on an iced caramel macchiato while getting into the minds (yes, minds) of Marc Spektor and Moon Knight.

5. Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

This is Weir’s latest release and after doing our episode on The Martian, I need to read some more space sci-fi. Project Hail Mary is set in the not so distant future and focuses on Ryland Grace, a teacher turned astronaut who has just woken up from a coma. Come on – that sentence alone has me sold! Humanity is on the verge of extinction due to a solar dimming event and we get to solve this crisis with Ryland. Or do we? I guess I’ll have to read it to find out!. Something about space books makes me want to sit on my balcony, looking out at the sky, drinking a sweet and creamy coffee, while pondering our existence. 

Summer Reading Thrills to Temper the Heat

As someone who detests summer wholeheartedly, planning my #IcedCoffeeReads has made me a little bit excited for the season. I love the ritual of making coffee so pairing that with a good read is going to make for a wonderful summer full of thrilling books and chilling drinks.

If you need recommendations and recipes for refreshing coffees this summer, just ask! We have so many. 

What’s your favourite iced coffee beverage for reading sessions?

Don’t forget to share your #IcedCoffeeReads and tag us on social media this summer!

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  1. Pingback: What Another Book on the Shelf Is Reading This Summer

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