9: Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman

9: Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman

In Episode 9 Gen and Jette talk about Eating the Dinosaur by Chuck Klosterman, our 2018 September/October book club selection. Klosterman is one of Jette’s favourite writers, so we were always going to read one of his essay collections. Rather than dive into every essay in the collection, we pick and choose some of our favourites.

It was so much fun to read Eating the Dinosaur and chat about such a wide variety of topics, as well as Klosterman’s writing style (footnotes, anyone?). And it sparked a mind blowing, twisty conversation where we try to figure out time travel.

Show Notes

There were a lot of Podcat distractions today. Enjoy.

Go learn about Kurt Cobain and David Koresh and then let’s talk cult leaders.

Remember when Garth Brooks had an alter ego names Chris Gaines?

If you like Harry Potter, listen to Binge Mode with Jason Concepcion and Mallory Rubin.

In fact, listen to everything on The Ringer.

I can’t believe we mentioned NKOTB on this podcast but it happens.

Go listen to Big Shiny Tunes 2 – 1997 had JAMS.

Physics! We know science!

Jette forgot she was 13 and NOT 14 in 1994 but then remembered… speaking of time travel…

Can you tell we were censoring ourselves and trying not to swear to maintain our clean content rating?

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