5 Book and Beverage Pairings to Enjoy This Summer

5 Book and Beverage Pairings to Enjoy This Summer

Reading with a good beverage is the key to truly up-levelling your experience. It’s part of the ritual. It enhances the story. I never just pick up a book and read. I always start by thinking about what drink to make that I can savour while I flip pages. Certain books call for specific drinks based on the mood and genre of the story. Here are some of my favourite pairings that will hit the spot.

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Jette’s 5 Favourite Book and Beverage Pairings for Your Next Reading Session

1. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and a Long Island Iced Tea

For the cocktail crowd 

While Gatsby enjoyed gin, he doesn’t drink a lot in the novel. The vibe of the story, though, is parties overflowing with alcohol, which is why a Long Island iced tea is perfect. While there is no tea involved in the drink, there is vodka, rum, gin, tequila, and triple sec. Talk about opulence. The book is short enough that you could have quite the buzz by the time you get to the last page, so hit the bar and look for the green light.

2. The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt and a Giant Mug of Black Tea 

For a rainy day when you want to get cozy and feel smart 

There’s nothing better than steeping the perfect cup of black tea with the exact right amount of cream and sugar. It’s hard to do but it makes reading a book like The Goldfinch all the better. Holding a warm mug in one hand and resting a large book on your lap makes for a wonderful afternoon.

Book and beverage pairing: The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt next to a mug of black tea and vase of dried flowers on a white table

3. Eat a Peach by David Chang with Chemex Coffee 

For the ‘Gram 

Take a few minutes and enjoy the ritual of making coffee in a Chemex. Don’t forget to get a perfect picture for Instagram and read all about Chang’s life, mistakes and all. Momofuku, Milk Bar, and so much more are included. It’s about failing over and over but believing in yourself and pressing on. It’s like finding that perfect ratio of coffee to water and watching it pour slowly through your Chemex. It may take time but when you perfect it, nothing is better.

4. Annihilation by Jeff VanderMeer and a Matcha Latte 

For a healthier option 

Matcha lattes are filled with antioxidants and they have a wonderful earthy, green taste. It immediately makes me think of the spores and weird happenings in Annihilation. Climbing down into the tower with the biologist, I always imagined the smell of matcha with each step she took. 

Book and beverage pairing: Area X Ombnibus by Jeff Vandermeer next to a matcha latte and potted plant on a wooden table

5. The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton and an Iced Coffee 

For the person that strolls into work 10 minutes late with no regrets 

We all know you’re late because you stood in line to get that iced coffee. Swirling those ice cubes around as you judge each character and try to figure out the killer is an entire mood in and of itself. While this book is set in Britain, drink an iced coffee and read about others spilling the tea. Can you figure out who the murderer is before your ice cubes melt?

Reading as an experience 

Whatever you’re in the mood to read or drink, take the time to make it enjoyable. Put your kettle on. Froth some milk. Get silly ice cube trays and all the caramel drizzle you can stand. Reading isn’t just words on the page. It’s about engaging all your senses. Having a drink in your hand enhances every word. 

Let us know what some of your favourite book and beverage pairings are in the comments below!