4: Our Favourite Authors

4: Our Favourite Authors

In Episode 4 Gen and Jette talk about their favourite authors. We each pick our three favourite authors to talk about, and if you know Gen, you know this was a difficult decision! Featuring John Steinbeck, Stephen King, Donna Tartt, Dennis Lehane, Maggie Stiefvater, and Chuck Klosterman, the girls talk writing styles and common themes. To get you started, we also suggest a starting point into each of our favourite authors’ work.

Show Notes

Snow White came out in 1938 – not 1939.

Adam’s brother in East of Eden is called Charles.

The film The Drop is an adaptation of a story called “Animal Rescue” by Dennis Lehane.

Shout out to DavidsTea for fuelling this episode. Next time Jette will try to clink her mug less.

Jette gets really excited about Boston. This won’t be the last time.

*Disclaimer* Gen was still on Copenhagen time and Jette had been up since 4am during this recording, so the English language wasn’t flowing too well LOL

Books and Media Mentioned

John Steinbeck: East of Eden, Of Mice and Men, The Winter of Our Discontent, The Grapes of Wrath

Stephen King: Firestarter, Carrie, IT, The Green Mile, Pet Semetary, On Writing, The Shining

Donna Tartt: The Goldfinch, The Secret History, The Little Friend

Chuck Klosterman: Eating the Dinosaur, Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs, What If We’re Wrong, Chuck Klosterman IV

Maggie Stiefvater: The Raven Cycle, The Scorpio Races, All the Crooked Saints, Lament, Shiver

Dennis Lehane: Mystic River, Gone Baby Gone, Since We Fell, Darkness Take My Hand, The Given Day, Shutter Island

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