3: The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman

3: The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman

In Episode 3 Gen and Jette discuss The Rules of Magic by Alice Hoffman, our 2018 March/April book club selection. Hoffman’s latest novel is a prequel to her acclaimed novel Practical Magic. The story begins in the sixties in New York City, and follows Franny, Jet, and Vincent Owens from childhood into adulthood. Two rules they must follow: no magic and no falling in love. If you’ve read Practical Magic, you’ll know that love is a curse for the Owens. But no one can escape love. Not even the Owens. This is their story of love and loss and trying to thwart fate.

We had so much fun talking about The Rules of Magic. Highlights include discussing Hoffman’s ability to evoke atmosphere, her use of subtle magic, and how it fits with Practical Magic. We also spend a lot of time trying to sort out the timeline! Timelines are tricky. We know. But we think maybe the Owens found a time loop somewhere.

Show Notes

If you hear any crinkling in the background, it’s just our resident PodCat, Cypher, eating her dinner.

Book Revelation: Vincent and William live “happily ever after” because Vincent is the first wizard in the family and NOT an Owens’ woman so the curse does not apply!

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