57: Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

57: Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas

In Episdoe 57, Gen and Jette give all their love to Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas! We’re shifting our Christmas tradition away from a certain wizarding series to talk about fantasy with incredible trans rep instead. We spend most of the episode gushing about how much we loved this YA paranormal debut, the magical world building, and loveable characters. Not to mention some quality pet content (we’re looking at you Purrcaso, Donatello, and Michaelangelo).

Show Notes

We battled with some technical difficulties, so apologies if some parts are a bit disjointed.

You can read Daniel Radcliffe’s full statement on The Trevor Project website.

We are the most incoherent when we love a book beyond measure because all we want to do is shout about how good it is.

Shout out to Bones for incorporating flower meanings into their episodes.

Aiden Thomas’ next book, Lost in the Never Woods, is a reimagining of Peter Pan and comes out March 23, 2021.