5 Books on Jette’s Summer TBR List

5 Books on Jette’s Summer TBR List

Can you believe it’s basically summer? I almost feel excited this year but I think that’s just because we’ve been inside for nearly 15 months. In reality, you know Gen and I are vampires and hate summer and the sun. BUT that doesn’t mean we don’t get excited for summer reading. 

Due to the vampirism mentioned above, I don’t do “beach reads” because I don’t (can’t) go to the beach and spend a day in the sun on a towel, soaking up rays and reading. I would die. I do, however, sit on my balcony and read in the shade. There is nothing like sitting on a balcony or patio with an iced coffee and a good book. OH MY GOD – that is it. #IcedCoffeeReads We have a new hashtag, y’all.

Summer is perfect for fun and fast books. Summer reads don’t have to be epic sagas with themes that punch you in the gut. They can be the equivalent of a Michael Bay blockbuster. Entertain me. That’s all I want. I know a lot of people read romance novels on their summer vacations but that’s not me. I want thrillers and stories that will inevitably crush me because that’s just who I am. 

Not everything on this summer TBR list is a popcorn read because I have a few books that have been sitting on my shelf, dying to be read for ages. What I’ve got for you are the 5 books I’m determined to read this summer.

Jette’s Summer TBR List

1. Survive the Night by Riley Sager

Sager’s latest is a fun summer thriller coming out on June 29th. I read two of Sager’s other thrillers in one week so I’m very excited about this one. Sager takes us back to 1991 with a main character who’s obsessed with film. (Could this be more my vibe?) She takes a ride from a stranger who may be a serial killer. Sold!

2. Recursion by Blake Crouch

I read Dark Matter years ago and was immediately taken in by it. Dark Matter is a science fiction thriller crossed with a multiverse and time travel (not to give too much away) so when Recursion came out, I knew I had to get it without even reading the synopsis. Fast-forward to it sitting on my bookshelf for ages. Sorry Mr. Crouch. Life happened. 

I’ll rectify the situation this summer, diving into the story of New York City being ravaged by a mysterious affliction called False Memory Syndrome. I love thinking about how memories, inner monologues, and brains work so this will definitely be an awesome summer read.

Jette's Summer TBR list—Recursion by Black Crouch, Lost in the Never Woods by AIden Thomas, What Would Frida Do by Arianna Davis, My Sister the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Brithwaite, and Survive the Night by Riley Sager.

3. Lost in the Never Woods by Aiden Thomas

This retelling of Peter Pan is just itching to be read. The speed at which I devoured his previous book Cemetery Boys tells me that Lost in the Never Woods is going to be a single day venture. That’s why I haven’t read it yet. 

I’m waiting for a nice sunny (but cool) day with no plans. I can get up, make a latte, and curl up in my reading chair – only to emerge later that night with the book finished and tears streaming down my face. I can’t promise the tears but that’s how Cemetery Boys ended and I think Thomas will get me with this one too.

4. What Would Frida Do?: A Guide to Living Boldly by Arianna Davis

This is a book I’m going to savour over the summer. I’ll read little snippets, reflecting on my art history degree and knowledge of Frida. She was a powerhouse of a human with iconic style. She didn’t shy away from politics, sharing her talent, or forging ahead through heartbreak. Isn’t this what we all could use right now? 

Frida has always been an inspiration to me and this summer my life goal is to create through photography, writing, and maybe even film. A friend and I are doing a June daily photography challenge (#AnotherDecisiveMoment) and I can’t wait. Be sure to check our Instagram highlight for more info on that if you want to join!

5. My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

This was all over Bookstagram last year so yes – I know I’m behind but I think it will be perfect to cross off my summer TBR list. The story follows Korede, a nurse in Nigeria, whose sister may or may not be a serial killer. Maybe she killed her boyfriend in self-defense, maybe not. If that doesn’t scream fun summer thriller, what does?

Summer Reading Realness

Let’s be clear. I have read 11 books in all of 2021 so when my initial summer reading list had 15 books on it, I had to stop and rethink. I want my goal to be manageable so I can enjoy the books but also leave room for maybe a few bonus reads (Like The Rib King by Ladee Hubbard). Reading is meant to be fun and not a chore, right?

So grab your sunscreen and your glass of cold brew and let’s get reading. 

Don’t forget to share your #IcedCoffeeReads and tag us this summer!


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