18: Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn – Novel vs. Show

18: Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn – Novel vs. Show

In Episode 18 Gen and Jette discuss Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn, and its HBO limited series adaptation. This is one of those rare instances where the adaptation fully lives up to the source material. Flynn deftly peels back the layers of violence that affect her characters, while Jean-Marc Vallée and Marti Noxon create a stunning translation for the screen. To say HBO delivers, is an understatement. With a haunting soundtrack and sinister atmosphere, Sharp Objects, both the book and the series, will linger in your mind long after you’ve finished with them.

If you can’t tell, we loved talking about this one. It’s always a pleasant surprise when a film or show lives up to the novel. We had a great time discussing Flynn’s writing, the cinematography, the soundtrack, and the incredible actor performances. Whatever Gillian Flynn writes next, we’re going to read it. Just as soon as Gen reads Gone Girl and Dark Places.

Show Notes

Eliza Scanlen plays Amma.

We learned that there is a Kansas City in two different neighbouring states that are technically part of the same city. Gen doesn’t feel so bad about being confused now.

This is first TV series to gain the rights to Led Zeppelin songs. We’re really glad the band allowed it because “In the Evening” is perfect.

Read more about notorious Canadian serial killer Robert Pickton.

The Martian is another example of an amazing book to screen adaptation.

Other Books by Gillian Flynn

Gone Girl

Dark Places

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