13: White Dancing Elephants by Chaya Bhuvaneswar

13: White Dancing Elephants by Chaya Bhuvaneswar

In Episode 13 Gen and Jette discuss White Dancing Elephants by Chaya Bhuvaneswar. Her debut short story collection spotlights diverse women of colour. These women face sexual harassment and racial violence, and occasionally infict that violence on each other. In these sixteen stories, Bhuvaneswar explores feminist, queer, and immigrant experiences with precision and compassion. It was devastating at times, but hard to put down.

White Dancing Elephants is the winner of the 2017 Dzanc Short Story Collection Prize. Thank you to Chaya Bhuvaneswar for reaching out to us and sending us a copy of White Dancing Elephants. We’re so happy we had the chance to read and discuss these stories. They were engaging and heartbreaking.

Show Notes

You can find Chaya Bhuvaneswar on Twitter @chayab77 or on her website: www.chayabhuvaneswar.com

Gen mixed up a few details about the Bhopal disaster, but please read up on it. It was a major environmental disaster. Somehow it has largely faded from cultural memory despite its lasting impact on the region.

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